You will hear DJZigZag mention the fact that he and WAGRadio have accomplished the magnificent feat of producing sixteen Groovin' Blue shows over the twelve month period just past.
Once again, Ol' ZZ has been filtering the desert sun of his mind thru a lens less clear.
In point of fact, WAGRadio, with GROOVIN' BLUE 09-16 (the final show of 2009), has produced twenty-five programs of NEW WORLD AFRICAN MUSIC.
What ZigZag didn't take into account were the shows he was graciously asked to co-host with Sunny 'Sweet Daddy Fonk' Wong. These very, very popular (especially with the ladies) programs of mostly 70's and 80's Soul Music are known as FUNK SHUI SPECIALS and will continue in 2010. Zig Zag also forgot the two completely-devoted-to JAM-ROCK Reggae specials. Add the three Xmas shows and maybe a coupla others even we have forgotten and - - TWENTY-FIVE programs produced in 2009 is the result.
So, enjoy GROOVIN' BLUE 09-16. It has a new gem entitled "Addicted" by SLIQUE as well as some wonderful new Jamaican single releases featuring CHRISTOPHER MARTIN, NICO D & JAH MASON and the ever prevalent BUSY SIGNAL - and a whole lotta NEW WORLD AFRICAN MUSIC for all y'all.
WAGRadio Management
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